My Favourite Pokèmon!

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Out of all the pokèmon out there, Arceus has to be my favourite! I really enjoy its design and lore. In the basic form, I really like the contrast between the white body and the gold apparatus that surrounds its back-half. The fact that Arceus has different forms is also really cool. I was first introduced to Arceus in Pokèmon Rumble World inside the Legend Balloon, specifically the Bastion of Beginnings [3 star, Arceus is the final boss is the "Special" level.] When I first played this level, I was first excited due to every Eeveevolution respawning infinitely as I fought Arceus, allowing me to collect them all, but once I recieved Arceus I appreaciated its design even more, and how its ability to have different types without evolving reflects Eevee evolving into different types.